Fantasy Author
Out of this world magic, adventure, and romance
Out of this world magic, adventure, and romance
The Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse Book Trailer
The Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse Book Trailer
A.A. Chamberlynn and her horse Maximus portray the character Dynah and her horse Moon, who later transform into Death and her pale horse. The film was directed by Ashley Mancuso of Ash Equine Productions, director of the film that won the 2019 Equus International Film Festival Best of Festival for Short Film. Book 1 purchase links directly below!

Fans of Mercy Thompson, Harry Dresden, and Anita Blake: meet Zyan Star.
Galleywampus Reviews
Urban fantasy is up there with my favorite genres to read, and A.A. Chamberlynn is quickly becoming my go-to author.
USA Today Bestselling Author T.F. Walsh
Huntress Found grabs the reader from its first exciting page to the last. Full of twists and turns that will keep the reader guessing, Ms. Chamberlynn has woven an original and creative world with her fantastic prose.
InD'Tale Magazine